Wine is not just another alcoholic beverage – it’s often referred to as the nectar of Gods and is probably also the oldest known drink, besides water of course. Plato even said that the Gods did not give anything to anyone except excellent wine – and we definitely aren’t going to object! Although drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is never good for your health, alcohol at a moderate level (that is, a maximum of one glass per day) helps prevent heart disease, stress, and a good number of other problems. Forget about the apple, one glass of wine a day will surely drive your doctor away!
It controls your cholesterol level
Studies have confirmed that red wine increases the level of HDL or “good cholesterol” that helps to extend the blood vessels.
It helps with the bone structure
Scientists have proven that there is a link between moderate wine drinking and increased mineral bone density. The positive effect of wine on bone health has been proven for women, but there are studies that show that wine can have a positive effect on male bones as well.
It keeps the teeth healthy
A glass of red wine can also protect your teeth and gums. An American study has shown that red wine has an antimicrobial effect against bacteria that causes tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss.
Antistress properties
If you are constantly stressed, a glass of your favorite wine can help. However, it is worth mentioning that red wines usually relax, while white wines give extra energy.

Red wine is associated with a lower risk of developing prostate cancer
In a study published in the Clinical Epidemiology Journal, researchers examined 17 people to determine whether the introduction of wine influenced the risk of developing prostate cancer. After reviewing the results, the researchers found that a moderate amount of white wine increased the risk of developing prostate cancer, while moderate consumption of red wine protects against the development of prostate cancer.
It helps with weight loss
Alcohol and weight loss are considered to be at odds with each other, however, studies have shown that people who drink a glass of wine per day actually have lower body weight, a flatter belly, and less abdominal fat than people who do not drink alcohol.
It keeps you young
Researchers have found that drinks that consist of wine have up to 40 percent more antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent cell aging. Wine lovers on average live longer and remain younger and more vital.